Body Odour Awareness And Prevention.. Its No Longer Funny This Days!!!

Ever since Harmattan dissaperared, I know that many people have started using handkerchiefs in public places not cos they have cold/flu, but its because of the unpleasant odour, permit me to say *Body Odour* they perceive. ;( hmmm I feel your pain. The experience in our worship centres can be termed as a serious one. When people raise their hands to worship and it makes the atmosphere unpleasant. Last Sunday, I could see some angry faces, reason cos they were been dazed by the unpleasant smell flying around, due to the odour perceived from people's body, and some without the odour were busy chewing garlic causing another offensive smell. (Yea, I love garlic, but I wouldnt chew it, neither will I use it to discomfort others in public places). Now, back to what I'm saying, why will you chose to discomfort others cos of your headache? Dont get me wrong, there is a natural body odour, known as *Unique Scents*, but that doesnt make people around you cover their nostrils. Research shows that there are various reasons why people have body odour, let me start with this *From Childhood* Yea, for some its right from being a baby, cos they werent properly taken care of by their Mum while growing up (Dont go fighting your Mum now, if you are a victim, there is a solution to it) Ofcos, it doesnt start reflecting then, cos you havent gotten to puberty, but the bomb explodes when you start experiencing puberty at whichever age you start, especially if you now add pepper to injury by not taking care of yourself. Now, another is *Self inflicted body odour* Oh yea, its self inflicted cos you brought it upon yourself, due to negligence. Why will you neglect that important aspect of your life, tell me Why ;> I got this from this webpage *Teen Health* it says "We are always sweating, but many things causes us to sweat, morethan Usual, Hot weather, excercises, alcohol, and doing things that makes us anxious all cause the sweat flow. Sweating is one of the body's way of cooling down, and its important that we do sweat. There is a rare condition where people do not sweat, and they are at a very high risk of overheating". I Sweat, initially, I used to think its a bad thing to sweat, but after carrying out my research, I realised its very good and necessary. Although one should control excess sweat (Remember, what too much of everything does). Sweat by itself is not harmful, and does not have much of an odour, cos it consist of just salt and water. Most of the smell from the body is caused by bacteria which lives on the skin and in clothing. These bacterias use the sweat to grow. Please to read more about that, Spare 5 to 10mins to google it, and dont stop at reading one webpage, read atleast 3 webpages to arrive at your conclusion. This brings me to the final point: Before you conclude that your body odour is spiritual , do all you can to take care of it. I know with this current weather, sweating is partially unavoidable, but you can prevent the offensive odour that accompanies it, if you are a victim. There are various Anti-Perspirant, deodorants, Anti-Bacterial soaps that we can use, dont wanna mention a specific brand, cos am not paid for it Anti-Perspirants prevents or reduces Perspiration/Sweats. There are Cologne (Scented toilet water) we can use also. A popuar one is Novella Cologne (Oops, I just mentioned a brand , well, let me name a few). I'm sure most of us used that cologne while in Sec School, some of us even used it as perfume . Its still very much available and affordable now. Deodorants like *Dove* and *Sure* does the magic aswel, atleast people like us can manage to afford that. Dont go about using Natural body spray, if you havent tackled body odour. It adds to the odour, thats why when some people passes you, you perceive a mixture of spoilt egg and perfume, its that offensive Even without using a concentrated or expensive perfume, you are good to go once you have a very good deodorant that matches your skin. It doesnt just make people around you feel comfortable, it also makes you feel cool and boost your self esteem. This is weekend, so I guess this is coming at the right time, a victim should make use of this weekend to make corrections. If it warrants using iron sponge use (kidding). But dont shower like a baby. Then please Shave... Shave ooo, its very Important.... Let there be a sweet and aromatic atmosphere in our worship centres this Sunday.
